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TORGS Answer to Everything


Alexa aka Al is the daughter of Pearl x Rocky. Al is a brilliant young girl, weighing in right around 60 lbs. She is an incredible hunter, exceptional marker and has a heart that just won't quit. Al is very obedient and easy to train, always yearning for more. One of our most athletic females. Al is fairly independent when it comes to mingling with other dogs, but absolutely loves the attention from her people. She has had a lot of experience and excels in with waterfowl but holds her own in the pheasant field.  


Click for Pedigree

Snowy Al

Snowy Al

First litter

First litter

Al's first litter, 11 pups

Al's first litter, 11 pups

Pregnancy Glow

Pregnancy Glow

Alexa aka Al

Alexa aka Al

Al Pal's first pheasant!

Al Pal's first pheasant!

Dream Hunt in ND

Dream Hunt in ND

6 months old

6 months old

Gotcha Day

Gotcha Day

Cutest little pumpkin

She means business

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