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SHR Torg's Cheap Date


Natty came to us at 4 months old. She had been sold to a family that thought she was 'too much puppy' and returned to her breeder. We saw an opportunity with her and decided to buy her. I can't believe she was too much to handle because she is the sweetest, people pleasing pup out there! Natty is growing like a weed and is much larger than any of our girls nearing 70lbs at 1 year old. Natty was the youngest dog we have ever titled. By the time she was 7 months old she obtained her Started Hunting Retriever title. She also has 2 Junior hunt passes. We are very proud of this girl and excited for her future. 


Click for Pedigree

Happy Natty

Happy Natty

Tall Girl

Tall Girl

Down Stays

Down Stays



5 months

5 months



Playing in the snow on her 1st birthday

Gotcha Day



Her name sake

Force fetch work

Running Partner

Running Partner

Helping Megan train for her half Marathon. Bryant would drop off a new dog to tire out every couple miles.

Cross Country Skiing with Bryant

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